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What is the Creative Competition?

Design a ring and become part of the Creative Competition. Send your ring designs and wait for the end of the Competition‘s final voting. If you win, the ring you have designed will become part of the new collection. Try it, it´s fun and easy!


In the Creative Competition you can compete, vote, but most importantly design your own rings. For inspiration look at the video - that might help you a bit! You'll see how easy designing your own ring is. Also be sure to check the Terms & Conditions, under which you can participate in the Competition.

Be inspired by winning designs from the previous Creative Competition

Creative competition dates

My account

Designs gallery


Czech republic Spain France Greece Middle East Germany Romania Ukraine Scandinavia Russia Belgium


Start of the Competition.

Please send your designs by form.


Deadline for submitting designs.


Start of the voting at


End of voting


Announcement of Winners